
Legal Conditions

Identification Data

You are visiting the website thecollectionparis.com, ownership of THE COLLECTION VENDOME SAS, domiciled at 48 RUE LECOURBE 75015 PARIS, Société par actions simplifiée SIREN 898104518, hereinafter referred to as THE COLLECTION VENDOME. Email address: info@thecollectionparis.com

You may contact THE COLLECTION VENDOME regarding issues related with the management of this website through any of the following means:

Email address: info@thecollectionparis.com


The present conditions (hereinafter refered to as Legal Conditions) have the purpose of regulating the use of THE COLLECTION VENDOME website, accessible to the public.

The access and/or use of this website grants the condition of USER, who accepts, from the moment of the access on, the general conditions of use here reflected. The cited conditions will be applicable independently of the general conditions of contract which may be of mandatory character.

Use of the Site

thecollectionparis.com facilitates access to a lot of information, services, programs or data (hereinafter “the contents”) on the Internet belonging to THE COLLECTION VENDOME or to its licensor to which the user may have access.

The user assumes the responsibility to use the portal. The user will be responsible for the truthfulness and lawfulness of the information facilitated.

The USER undertakes to make a proper use of the contents and services (for example, chat services, debate forums or news groups) that THE OWNER offers through its portal and not to make the following non-exhaustive examples of uses:

  • Incur in unlawful, ilegal or contrary to good faith and public order activities
  • Disseminate racist, xenophobic, ilegal-pronographic, glorifying terrorism or against human rights contents or propaganda.
  • Damage physical nor logical systems of [name of the company], of its suppliers or third parties, introduce or disseminate on the Internet informatic virus or any other physical or logical systems which are susceptible of damaging in the aforementioned ways.
  • Try to Access and, where the case may be, use the electronic mailing accounts of other users nor manipulate their messages.
  • Use the website nor the information included therein for commercial purposes, especially when sending non-requested e-mails.

Data Protection

Everything related to the data protection policy is included in the document of Data Policy

Contents. Intellectual Property

THE COLLECTION VENDOME is owner of all the Intellectual Property rights of its website, as well as of all the elements included therein (as a mere example: images, photographs, sound, video, software or texts; trademarks or logos, color combinations, structure and design, selection of used materials, computer programs necessary for its functioning, access and use, etc.), ownership of THE COLLECTION VENDOME or its licensees.

All the rights reserved. By virtue of what established in articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Spanish Intellectual Property Act, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including making available to the public of the whole or part of the contents included in this website for commercial purposes, through any kind of carrier or technical mean is expressly forbidden, unless authorized by THE COLLECTION VENDOME.

Exclusion of Guarantees and Responsibility

THE USER accepts that the use of the website and its contents and services is made under his/her sole responsibility. In particular, as a mere example, THE COLLECTION VENDOME assumes no responsibility in the following areas:

  • The functioning availability of the website, its services and contents and its quality or interoperability.
  • The purpose for which the website serves the objectives of the USER.
  • The infringement of the legislation in force by the USER or third parties and, in particular, of the intellectual property rights ownership of other persons or entities.
  • The existence of malicious codes or any other harmful informatic element which may come from the informatic system of the USER or of third parties. It is the USER’s responsibility to have proper tools to detect and desinfect those elements.
  • The unlawful access to the contents or services by non-authorized third parties or, where the case may be, the capture, erasure, alteration, modification or manipulation of the messages and communications of any kind that those third parties could make.
  • The accuracy, veracity, update and utility of the offered contents and services and the later use that the USER may make of them. THE COLLECTION VENDOME will make all the possible efforts and use reasonable means to facilitate updated and reliable information.
  • The damages produced to computer equipment while accessing the website and the damages produced to the USERS when they originate from failure or disconnection in telecommunication nets which suspend the service.
  • The damages derived from circumstances as a result of fortuitous events or force majeure.


THE COLLECTION VENDOME reserves the right to make, without prior notice, those modifications that it considers appropriate in its portal, being able to change, eliminate or add any content and services rendered through the website as well as the way in which they may appear and its localization in the portal.

The validity of the mentioned conditions will depend on their publication and they will be in force until they are modified by other ones duly published.


In case that links or hyperlinks were included on www.thecollectionparis.com which lead to other internet sites, THE COLLECTION VENDOME will not exercise any kind of control over those sites and contents. THE COLLECTION VENDOME will in no case assume any responsibility for the content of links coming from third parties’ websites, nor Will guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, range, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any topic or information included in those hyperlinks nor in other Internet sites. Likewise, the inclusion of these external connections will not imply any kind of association, fusion or participation with the connected entities.

Right of Exclusion

THE COLLECTION VENDOME reserves the right to deny or revoke the access to the portal and/or services offered without being necessary to previously warn, on its own initiative or at a third party request, to those users who infringe the content of the present Legal Conditions.

General Issues

THE COLLECTION VENDOME will go after infringements of the present conditions as well as any incorrect use of its portal and will exercise all the civil and criminal actions which according to law are possible.

Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction

The relationship between THE COLLECTION VENDOME and THE USER will be ruled by the Spanish regulations in force. All disputes and claims arising from the present Legal Conditions will be decided by Spanish Courts.

Underage People

thecollectionparis.com directs its services to companies and users over 18 years old. Underage people are not authorized to use our services and should not, therefore, send us their personal data. We inform you hereby that, if such a circumstance occurred, THE COLLECTION VENDOME will not be responsible of the possible consequences which may derive from the infringement of the warning established in this clause.

Use of Cookies

THE COLLECTION VENDOME will be able to use cookies to customize and facilitate as much as possible the USER’s navigation through his/her website. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and his/her computer and they will not supply information which could allow the identification of the user. The User will be able to configure his/her navigator so that it warns about and rejects the installation of the cookies sent by THE COLLECTION VENDOME, without affecting the possibility of the User of accessing to the Contents.





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